Sorry to hear of your situation. I suspect the anonymous complaint is probably a member of the skeptic networks in Australia. The HCCC & AHPRA are enablers of this sort of behaviour.

In my view, those two agencies should be either disbanded or cleaned out & replaced with ethical & moral people. Come to think of it, this probably applies to all modern institutions & corporations.

Anonymous complaints have no place in any decent society. The wording in the acts, statutes, or legislation should be changed to not allow it. Nobody but a patient, or carer, guardian or other close member of the patient (& even then under strict circumstances) should be able to file a complaint against a practitioner. It is just targeting of dissenters, which has been going on for a long time, especially to alternative health practitioners of naturopathy, homeopathy, etc.

Maybe AMPS has some other ideas about how to go about changing the current situation.

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Dr Paul,

just read today's newsletter!

Collectively I think we know that it's high time they gave up the Hoax.

The Game is Up!

Fair to say, it ain't the minority anymore it's now the majority of Australians that will no longer stand for this Government overreach & Control of Health Rights of Individuals.

Enough is Enough 💗 Say No to Big Pharma experimental mrna injections today & into the Future.

Natural Law

Natural Health

Be Empowered 💗Trust in your own God Given Human Body.

How dare they wilfully collaborate to destroy our Human Rights & Freedoms here on Earth.


They have no Reverse Gear!!

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The sooner AHPRAs heads are all on pikes the better. I too received a 'show cause' letter from AHPRA, my crimes being:

1) To promote Ivermectin (again - contrary to official policy)

2) To discourage the vaxxination of children against covid on the grounds that they were of little risk from the illness, but exposed to a lifetime of adverse events from the vax.

3) Antisemetism (for comparing the 'othering' process of the Jews in Nazi Germany to the marginalisation of vax refusers.

Now lets compare my actions, to the 'Four pillars of Medical Ethics'.

1) Autonomy - the patient owns their body and gets to decide what is done to it.

2) Benificence - the patient should only receive a medical treatment where the expected benefit exceeds the risk

3) Non Malificence - the patient should only receive a medical treatment where there is no expectation of harm (aka 'Do no harm')

4) Equity - patients should have equal access to care, irrespective of wealth etc

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The Vaccinated Are To Be Judged By The Sickness

Of Their Behavior In Society Among Us.

Their Physical Suffering Is Not The Issue.

Their Own Government

Used Their Own Minds Against Them.

If You're Not On That

Your Own Government

Will Use Them Against You.


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Whats good for the goose is also good for the gander, it might interest you to know that a complaint has been made to AHPRA about Dr Paul Kelly, one of the governments chief vax pushers.

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Big hugs and support for your free-range tweeting Paul. The more they exude their vile censor-dust, the more transparent their lack of moral character, the stronger the whiff of mutton-rumps, and the more appealing the Cape Byron Lighthouse Declaration becomes to those watching from the feedlots.

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Sorry to hear this.

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I can't believe this!! We know who is the purveyor of mis and dis information..and it is not you!! Take care Paul and thanks for all your good work.

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This is one of my favourite finds during the madness of the Covid era! From an FDA powerpoint presentation made to internal staff, on October 22, 2020 (i.e., 3 months PRIOR to the vaccine rollout) which lays out possible side effects of the vaccines to come. These include: Guillain-Barre syndrome, encephalitis, stroke, pregnancy and birth outcomes, convulsions, seizures, myocarditis/pericarditis... among many others. Oh. Let's not forget deaths. It can still be found here: https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download - it's on Slide 16 of the presentation. Seems to me if anyone wants to say a lot of us are sharing "misinformation," we ought to show them this slide proving that it was well understood pre-vaccine rollout - by the so-called U.S. federal drug "regulator" - how dangerous these shots were going to be.

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🇺🇸 A clip from Dr Simone Gold: https://fb.watch/nYgXhjFxub/

(Oz Dave - David White)

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