Thanks so much for all your wonderful work, Dr Oosterhuis.

The indifference, and at times hostility, of the majority of the general public on the harms caused by the jabs has been eye-opening. When I visited the Holocaust Museum in my city for the first time some months ago for example I tried to speak with a staff member about the issue of excess deaths across all age groups. Quite bluntly, this person told me that she had no interest in discussing anything to do with Covid. I obliged, but such was the irony I thought when I noticed on the front cover of one of the museum booklets: “Nothing hurts us more than people who look the other way.”

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Nice to see you sub stacking again and getting around online! Thanks for continuing to be a voice of resistance. The CLO Dr Dan bout was harrowing. You looked like you were meditating to keep your cool while MGG blew up, provoked as he was by Dr Dan's terribly rude dismissal of a "lowly actor without a PhD or medical degree"! I had to take a blood pressure break half way through that "conversation" so I commend you on trying to stay centred. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like doctors who are so sure that their Science=Dogma is Reality have the capacity to actually listen to critiques or contradictory evidence. Some may have a rude awakening eventually, but it will be too late for their "collaterally damaged" patients.

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🇦🇺💉Australian Government: ‘COVID-19 vaccination decision guide for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy’, Version 8.8, 12 January 2024: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-01/covid-19-vaccination-shared-decision-making-guide-for-women-who-are-pregnant-breastfeeding-or-planning-pregnancy.pdf

In the section ‘Are COVID-19 vaccines safe in pregnancy’ (page 5), reference is made to an early US study, ‘Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons’ by Shimabukuro TT et al. (ref. 17), which was based on some 35,000 women surveyed over a two and a half month period, from 14 December 2020 to 28 February 2021: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2104983 Other studies in the ‘Further reading’ list of the government’s latest PDF document on this matter appear to be out of date.

I’m disgusted.

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Thank you for your ongoing dedication to exposing the truth.

Your effort, composure and professionalism during the Dr Dan interview was impressive.

He did his best to aggravate Michael in the style of a true sociopath.

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