Hi All, I know it’s been a while …
I was literally declared a “missing person” over the New Years period.
And 2024 is looking busy.
First up we had our friend Julian Gillespie in the Cafe to talk about the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into the Australian covid response.
Australians deserve accountability, not a whitewash.
Then I had an unscheduled, impromptu debate with the vaxophile cardiologist
Dr Dan.
So, given Dan is an electrophysiologist, I thought I would share a paper by Schreckenberg at al that we didn’t get to, but that he should understand, mechanistically, at least.
So, in isolated rat heart cells, they observed what happens when you expose them to
the Pfizer and Moderna gene transfection agents called covid “vaccines.”
The answer wasn’t reassuring. After 48 hours, as the spike protein for both mRNA’s became detected there was a surge in arrhythmias and irregular contractions.
What I find fascinating, is they noted irregular as well as localized calcium transients, which provide indications of significant dysfunction of the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2).
I have reason to pull this fact out because anesthesiologists are quite acutely aware of what happens when you mess with ryanodine receptors and aberrant calcium inflows…
It’s called Malignant Hyperthermia, and every operating theatre complex has some of the antidote ( a drug called Dantrolene ) and preparations for this medical emergency.
P.S. Untreated, it becomes very very bad news for the heart when the ryanodine receptor in skeletal muscle is triggered allowing large calcium inflows (in those rare people who are susceptible.)
I also brought to his attention, among others, studies by Nakahara showing the “dark hearts” on PET scans showing a change in cardiac metabolism in the jabbed (which Dr Dan said he was aware of … then changed the subject: )
and have added a tweet on the paper by Krauson at al to support some of the points made to Dr Dan.
Well Dr Dan, they looked for the virus … that wasn’t what killed them.
I then had a very lovely chat with Dr Kimberley Biss from Florida, an ObGyn who testified to a congressional committee about the disastrous miscarriage data she was seeing in her practice.
We had a nice chat at the cafe, she was a delight.
Then, Maria Zee invites me onto episode 5 of her show Media Blackout on the vigilant fox network. We talk about Bret Weinstein’s interview on Tucker Carlson and the dangers of a WHO branded power grab in progress.
Just one PHEIC away from tyranny. I’m in the last 15 minutes.
Given Maria told me there was over a million views on X in a couple of hours!
That’s just gob smacking.
Thank you all for your support.
My substack is free to all.
I have a buymeacoffee page if you would like to rid yourself of some of that rapidly depreciating fiat currency and become a subscriber or simply buy me some coffee!
I would do this if all I had was a squeegee and a bottle of of soapy water, but, but as
Dr Pierre Kory says, this writing stuff takes time … so become a subscriber of his, but then, consider encouraging me.
Thanks so much for all your wonderful work, Dr Oosterhuis.
The indifference, and at times hostility, of the majority of the general public on the harms caused by the jabs has been eye-opening. When I visited the Holocaust Museum in my city for the first time some months ago for example I tried to speak with a staff member about the issue of excess deaths across all age groups. Quite bluntly, this person told me that she had no interest in discussing anything to do with Covid. I obliged, but such was the irony I thought when I noticed on the front cover of one of the museum booklets: “Nothing hurts us more than people who look the other way.”
Nice to see you sub stacking again and getting around online! Thanks for continuing to be a voice of resistance. The CLO Dr Dan bout was harrowing. You looked like you were meditating to keep your cool while MGG blew up, provoked as he was by Dr Dan's terribly rude dismissal of a "lowly actor without a PhD or medical degree"! I had to take a blood pressure break half way through that "conversation" so I commend you on trying to stay centred. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like doctors who are so sure that their Science=Dogma is Reality have the capacity to actually listen to critiques or contradictory evidence. Some may have a rude awakening eventually, but it will be too late for their "collaterally damaged" patients.