GVDB posited a theory that the vaccines would induce more virulent strains which would affect the unvaccinated and vaccinated alike.

But in reality we are seeing only harm in the vaccinated cohort which seems consistent with the degradation of an immune response which looks normal in the unvaccinated.

(That is not to minimize the seriousness and impact of that process on society, which looks catastrophic, but it is important to be clear about the cause.)

That doesn’t require any fancy theories about viral evolution which, in any event, is highly unlikely to be subject to selection pressure as nearly all the relevant replication takes place in the mucosa, well away from the systemic antibodies created following mRNA injection.

In my view GVDB and his doom-mongering proclamations are acting only to maintain the narrative fiction that there was a novel virus around, in respect of which I’m with this guy:


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Jonathon, I think you'd love this discussion ... Steve Kirsch and Deni



I think Deni is correct (when viewed through the lens of all cause mortality )

I think there is /was a clinical syndrome with clinical signs and lab findings, but would these exist in the absence of TV, radio, social media campaigns of fear.?

Especially when you consider the fraudulent and deceptive way PCR tests were used.

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I have long thought that the widespread use of pulse oximetry may have been an important element of the madness:



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JJ Couey calls these folks in the "resistance" community the promoters of the "worst case scenario" and warns that they may wittingly or unwittingly be selling the kind of narrative that will enable the owners of the intellectual property rights for the NEW JABBERY to continue to churn out their countermeasures to a petrified populace, even those in the resistance who succumb to the "pandemic potential" myth. https://rumble.com/c/GigaohmBiologicalArchive

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Hi Paul, I am discussing Endotoxin "Tolerance" with a number of clever people in the context of the Lopez Coulson company Qu Biologics who are jabbing sick people every second day with LNP carrying high dose Endotoxin. They own The Wellness Company and numerous other people paid to promote their products. Endotoxin of course alters expression of CD4, CD25, CD127

As you know many "Spikeopathy" studies are fatally flawed because they used Endotoxin contaminated commercial Covid19 Spike


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Geoff, what do you make of Sarah's critique of The Wellness Co. group? It is disturbing that they seem to be operating using a similar "worst case scenario" manual that was employed on all of us during the pandemonium, but now the target group are those who escaped the first PsyOp. I'd love your opinion on this: https://conspiracysarah.substack.com/p/fungademic

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Fear Mongering reaches new levels. Thanks for alerting me.

I know that some people in the Australian Federal Parliament at having a very close look at TWC and associated entities.

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I really hope they are well-meaning folks - some of my "heroes" among them! But perhaps they too are susceptible to the "worst case scenario" operation, since it's been seeded a long time ago and has settled itself nicely in the "pandemic potential" literature.

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Who or what is the wellness company?

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Depending on your source of "truth", they are either there to save us or to assist those who would enslave us with their problem-solution narratives; or maybe just to make a buck off us? The article I linked to gives the more cynical perspective.

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⚖️💉”They changed the name from a genetic therapeutic to a vaccine, and because it’s a vaccine, you don’t have to do the normal trials of genetic therapeutics…” ~ Dr David Bell, ex-WHO physician and scientist (1 hour interview, posted 22 April 2024 in Facebook): https://fb.watch/rBqsE-Erfg/?

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