It's scary.

Words like these can start wars, riots or extreme overreach anywhere and at anytime.

For example, let's say this all passes and we have before us, a round two of sorts. A new Covid 2.0, or monkey pox, or anything.

They then demand everyone is vaccinated and treated with experimental products, it is now law so citizen must submit. No exceptions.

Do you think people will just sigh, roll up their sleeves and comply? Or do you think chaos will ensue on a scale not yet seen. Not protests, but full on riots, lynchings, SWAT teams, a Tiananmen square remix in every capital city of the developed world, the world over?

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Hey Paul, did you realize that you have been mentioned by Snopes??

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No, are they friendly?

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Here is what is really going on...


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My God. This is abhorrent. The ramifications of these changes will impact every single person (and animal) on the planet. I can't believe that they're meeting in secret - surely changes of this magnitude require full transparency and reporting on for all to see, hear and fully comprehend.

I'm also also sceptical that whoever is in charge of agreeing to these changes from Governments worldwide would actually take the time to read the documents and consider the possible implications of the actions listed - not just for now, but whatever the future may bring.

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Unfortunately, a lot of the politicians have been groomed by entities such as the WEF, for a very long time. They all align themselves to the same worldview.

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Surely there is at least one person in these positions of power that has an ounce of credibility? Integrity? Don't they have a conscience? Are they really that far gone that they really only care about themselves?

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Hey Paul, have you seen the Malcolm Roberts video where he says these amendments have been dropped? I don't know whether this is accurate or not, as I haven't seen Roguski or Nass mention it, and one would think they'd be onto it in a flash...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f4yfkzfSVY&t=3s

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