I think proteomics is beautiful.
The Spike protein from the covid mRNA jabs and it's persistence measured
Spike proteins are not all the same.
As a result, these differences can be used to tell them all apart.
By focussing on the specific protein products, Italian researchers using Mass Spectrometry were able to show the spike protein produced from the covid mRNA jabs, it’s persistence in the body fluids and it independence from the SARS CoV-2 IgG antibodies.
I’ve heard my learned friends talking about the need to study the proteomics of synthetic gene injections. Kevin McKernan pointed to this paper on twitter which shows the great power of the approach.
Proteomics assess the activities, modifications, and interactions within protein complexes, ultimately determining their function.Proteins are intrinsically important within cell systems; maintaining metabolic processes, providing structural elements, and are integral in gene expression acting as signal receptors or initiators and compose the resulting products.
Mass spectrometry is a common tool for proteome analysis. Usually coupled with a liquid chromatography system, this method for protein identification relies on fragment detection and measurement, which when compared to large scale data bases can accurately identify peptide sequences present in samples. (1)
Here’s the paper:
The presented method allows to assess the half-life of the Spike“PP”protein molecule, a recombinant spike which is shared by by the covid mRNA shots. It was not found in the controls ( unvaxxed with no previous covid infection ) and ( unvaxxed but with a previous covid infection).
The minimum and maximum time at which PP-Spike was detected after vaccination was 69 and 187days, respectively.
187 days is quite a while compared to what we were told initially, gone in hours, or a couple of days.
I have to say, I think proteomics is quite beautiful:
What do you think?
Ref 1. https://health.usf.edu/medicine/corefacilities/proteomics/introduction
I think it's potentially disastrous, resulting in a variety of effects, including direct spike toxicity, immune exhaustion, tolerance and so on. This paper alone should result in immediate suspension of the products, but none of the previous hundreds of "killer findings" have done that so I suppose this won't either.
But one thing I cannot get my head round is this: for the spike to be made, the cell has to be trasfected. Once transfected, the cells express spike and are marked for destruction by the immune system.
So what is going on? Are cells getting continually transfected (ie that part is happening over time) or are the cells not being destroyed by the immune system? If the latter, why not? I know that the modifications to the mRNA were designed to make it less degradeable, but surely that wouldn't extend as far as protecting the transfected cells from being destroyed, would it?
There seems to be a big piece of the jigsaw missing here...and I don't like the look of what it might represent, as it points towards continued long-term fundamental biological effects of unknown consequence which basically never get switched off in a proportion of those injected.
They go everywhere
And they linger
Damaging mitochondria
And their precious mtDNA
Dysfunction sets in
Fatigue and irritability follows
Along with sorrows
As they're slowly aging away
Forty years old with eighty year old organs
The stress of living soon overwhelms
And so tired and compliant
Too exhausted to fight
They opt to tap out and obey
So all we can do is pray
That the few who remain on the day
Have a backbone and won't back down and pay
Whatever they're going to charge for the illusion of peace and safety
As society slowly decays away