Humanity is at a "Hard fork"
"The implications are staggering and the canaries in our DNA mine are dying"
In Sept 2021, I attempted to break through the censors… with a warning.
I used the example of Bitcoin, and the crypto phenomena of a hard fork:
When I ask ChatGPT to explain a Bitcoin hard fork, it said:
A hard fork in the context of Bitcoin refers to a significant and permanent divergence in the blockchain's protocol rules, resulting in two separate and incompatible versions of the blockchain. It occurs when developers and nodes in the Bitcoin network adopt a new set of consensus rules that are not backward compatible with the existing rules.
When a hard fork happens, the original blockchain and its rules continue to be followed by some nodes, while the others adopt the new rules. This leads to the creation of two separate blockchains, each with its own transaction history from the point of the fork onward.
I posited that introducing synthetic genetic code represents a kind of hard fork, a “significant and permanent divergence” in the human species, the results of which, while unknown, scared the $hit out of me.
I watched with dismay as my posts warning that the covid mRNA shots were a gene therapy was censored and removed by social media in 2021.
In March this year I tweeted about the failure of the Office of Gene Technology Regulator to do it’s job of safeguarding Australians:
Now an investigation into how the European Union suspended the protections of GMO laws in respect of Covid-19 research, and subsequently, like Australia's Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR), then ignored the application of GMO laws to Covid-19 products has been published by Julian Gillespie.
Peer reviewed, and published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.
This article is provides an important framing for the discussion of the failures of the regulators, and the dangers posed to the species from the synthetic gene therapies which have been referred to as mRNA “vaccines.”
The paper notes:
Decades of sophisticated and detailed legislation created to safeguard humanity from exposure to genetically modified organisms was ignored or legislated away in an instant when SARS-CoV-2 arrived. It seems this banishment was done with intention and not for the good of humanity. The lipid nanoparticles containing modified RNAs, the so-called “vaccines”, from the beginning fulfilled the legal definitions for being categorized as genetically modified organisms. Pfizer, Moderna, and regulators all knew this.
The thing is, esoteric stuff I was discussing back in 2021 about reverse transcriptase, LINE 1, and the possibility of integration into the human genome was information that was known for many decades:
The claims by Pfizer and Moderna repeated by regulators and complicit politicians that modified RNAs do not enter the cell nucleus and reverse transcribe into the human genome were lies constructed knowingly. Over four decades of scientific knowledge marked with Nobel Prizes pointed to modified RNAs integrating into the human genome. The knowledge of retroposition preceded the use of modified RNAs in response to the pandemic, but the WHO and regulatory experts did not inform the global population about these facts.
Julian Gillespie’s paper show how decades of sophisticated and detailed legislation created to safeguard humanity from exposure to genetically modified organisms, totally failed, and continue to fail humanity.
He argues that, through the lens of the law, the covid modRNA injections were clearly genetically modified organisms. This came with an obligation for public consultation too.
To Be a GMO, or Not to Be a GMO
It is time now to ask the question: Do the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 “vaccines”contain GMOs?
In short: Yes, they do.
The guiding rule when answering the question is to abide by the legal definitions of a GMO, as they are the only definitions that count in a Court of Law. Many an expert in the biological sciences have views, and many have differing views, for what constitutes a genetically modified organism, but those experts must, nevertheless, defer to the legal definitions and restrain themselves to only the words contained in those definitions. Elaborations on those words and terms take one outside of a stated definition and introduce only more considerations not found in the original definition, set down in law.
We return now to Article 2 of Directive 2001/18/EC containing the definition for what constitutes a GMO (emphasis added):
(1) “organism”means any biological entity capable of replication or of transferring genetic material;
(2) “genetically modified organism (GMO)”means an organism, with the exception of human beings, in which the genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination;
Within the terms of this definition: (a) genetic modification occurs at least through the use of the techniques listed in Annex I A
An important section covers retroposition and the abilities of mRNA’s to integrate.
Retroposition: The true State of Affairs —mRNAs Do Integrate
the field of retroposition studies was well established before Pfizer and Moderna stepped-up with their products. Domazet-Lošo continues:
In many eukaryotes [organisms whose cells have a nucleus], the cellular mRNAs of various genes are endogenously reverse-transcribed and reintegrated into the genome, yielding their retrocopies
. . . . . . the estimated number of retrocopies in the human genome varies, but the figures in most studies are approximately 8,000. . . ; these retrocopies are derived from around 2,500 parental genes. . . , i.e., genes whose mRNAs are reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome . . .
. . . mRNA retroposition also occurs in somatic tissues [other tissue about the body]. . . .it is known to be common in cancer tissues [23],[24],[25],[26],[27] and to occur during early development [28],[29].
The mechanism that leads to the formation of retrocopies in a human lineage is relatively well studied and predominantly includes long interspersed element-1 (LINE-1 or L1, . . .) retrotransposons
Finally I will highlight the section on Regulation (EU) 2020/1043
Notification Information for GMOs No Longer Required—The COVID-19 Drugs Exclusion
European Parliament Regulation 2020/1043 illegally suspended that Human Right in 447.7 million European citizens in July of 2020, being a Human Right each of those 447.7 million people shared with the other 7.4 billion people of Earth in 2020.
The Human Right To Be Informed about any GMO that could enter their bodies.
Let us recall what our forefathers foresaw and sought to protect us from.
First, European regulators and all other medicines regulators aided by complicit politicians turned their backs on Articles 16, 20, and 28 (amongst others) of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, a “universal”expression of values and protections given lip service when medicines and genetics regulators said they would stand behind the Declaration forever:
Protecting future generations
The impact of life sciences on future generations, including on their genetic constitution, should be given due regard.
Risk assessment and management
Appropriate assessment and adequate management of risk related to medicine, life sciences and associated technologies should be promoted.
Denial of acts contrary to human rights, fundamental freedoms, and human dignity
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group, or person any claim to engage in any activity or to perform any act contrary to human rights, fundamental freedoms, and human dignity.
Next, and the great International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) has also been thrown to the wind. Article 7 could not have been more clearly stated nor more relevant:
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.
I think this paper deepens our knowledge on how we have been lied too, and in the process, provided cover for a truely historic crime against humanity.
As I warned the NSW Medical Council at my suspension hearing in Sept 2021:
“I think there is an issue with mandating a therapy where there are signals of harm, where the long-term data is not known, where because it was approved under emergency use in the US as a vaccine, it meant that it didn't have the FDA panel of tests that you would normally do for a gene therapy”.
“So I'm concerned about limiting discussions over treatments or therapies when - where potential for harm is actually extraordinary.”
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Here’s a freedom QR code:
Paul, Regardless, I'm glad to be Here on Earth, I'm Free of the Cage.
I am a Free Human Being. A Daughter, Sister, Mother & Grandmother.
Feel enormous Heartfelt Gratitude for your shared Wisdom.
I Nurture & Protect my Energy & understand our individual unique Soul Life purpose. Have & Hold Dear Faith in the infinite Power of the Holy Spirit. In whatever forms One recognises within. Love the Ones your with.
Never too late to admit One has made the wrong choice/decision.
Its time to Right the Wrongs & Stand Strong United in Protecting & Nurturing our Future Survival here in Australia.
Together we can rewrite the Story💗
It kind of reminds me that scene from "Don't look up" where the scientist, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, is urging everyone to WAKE UP!
Just like the “giant comet” in that movie, the threat of the nanotech/ synthetic biology has without a shadow of doubt the potential to be an extinction level event for the human race as we know it.