Paul, do you ever recall giving AHPRA free reign to fucking mandate what ever bullshit they like in documents NOBODY reads... eg remember when we graduated it was sensible to have malpractice insurance but it was not a condition of registration. Which Drs suddenly decided it was an OFFENCE to possibly not allow Lawfare and of course the MDO's could charge whatever they liked coz ya had to have it. I would love to know the rationale- surely insurance is a monetary issue with ZERO impact on professional standards?
Reading this a second time, the board is "All about the Feelz"- don't care what you say is correct, 2+2=5 if our paymasters say so get in line Sunny Jim and drink the Fizzy Koolaid "Baaaa Safe and effective Baaaa". I for one understand the rigors of medical training whilst NOT making us a font of all wisdom, the truly wise know the limitations of out knowledge and expertise- and rightly scoff at the ignorant that ignore screaming contradictions in front of their nose. Ooooh.... and AHPRA can go swing froma fucking lamp post- they are fascists in the traditional sense.
Paul, do you ever recall giving AHPRA free reign to fucking mandate what ever bullshit they like in documents NOBODY reads... eg remember when we graduated it was sensible to have malpractice insurance but it was not a condition of registration. Which Drs suddenly decided it was an OFFENCE to possibly not allow Lawfare and of course the MDO's could charge whatever they liked coz ya had to have it. I would love to know the rationale- surely insurance is a monetary issue with ZERO impact on professional standards?
Reading this a second time, the board is "All about the Feelz"- don't care what you say is correct, 2+2=5 if our paymasters say so get in line Sunny Jim and drink the Fizzy Koolaid "Baaaa Safe and effective Baaaa". I for one understand the rigors of medical training whilst NOT making us a font of all wisdom, the truly wise know the limitations of out knowledge and expertise- and rightly scoff at the ignorant that ignore screaming contradictions in front of their nose. Ooooh.... and AHPRA can go swing froma fucking lamp post- they are fascists in the traditional sense.