I highly recommend reading the work of Steve Kirsch, Jessica Rose, Mathew Crawford and crew. Today I looked again at Steve’s classic:
“The COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines in human history... by a long shot”
In fact 800 times that of the previous title holder The smallpox vaccine:
So, Almost 20 years ago it was the view of the experts that “1 death per million is unacceptable for a vaccine”
Fast forward to 2022, what are the best estimates of deaths from the covid gene therapy “vaccines”. At least 400 deaths per million jabs. That is 0.0004 as a decimal or 0.04%.
Now 0.0004 or 0.04% per jab may look low enough to many in mortal fear from the big C, the vid, the covid. I thought it worth emphasising Steve’s point that from 1 death per million being too many, now we’re accepting 400 or more per million jabs. It’s a big departure.
Will the risk accumulate with subsequent jabs? almost certainly.
Now the URF ( the Under Reporting Factor) the total actual number of an adverse events divided by the number of these events reported, and the number that kept popping up is around 41 (but this is still conservative)
If you don’t report anaphylaxis, which is scary, life-threatening, with an obvious temporal association - good luck with the rest:
So a URF of 50 for anaphylaxis would mean just 2% of events making it to the VAERS or DAEN, databases.
There were multiple different analyses that led to this figure. You can read them here:
So what’s that got to do with the price of fish? The Aussies may be asking. Well in Australia our official figures:
Now multiply 797 reported deaths by 41, you get an estimated 32,677 deaths. That’s a worrying number, but not as bad as is being suggested by the insurance data.
What about the 400 deaths per million jabs … where does that take us?
With 56 million doses given in Australia, you get an estimate of 22,488 deaths.
Either way, we are approaching losses seen only in wars.
We’re a long way from reasonable, a long way from “safe”
In Australia, we have the state authorities filtering out (silencing) Adverse Events BEFORE it is even reported to the TGA. And then TGA maintains an AEMS Adverse Events Management System and only part of it makes it to the DAEN Database of Adverse Events Notification. ALL of these are in addition to denial, gaslighting and failure of doctors and nurses to lodge the Adverse Events reports.