Vitamin D treatment effective in reducing covid infection and mortality
A third of the deaths from covid could have been prevented but rather than supporting my call, AHPRA thought it better to crush it.
I always enjoy seeing new data, especially where it relates to the components of my “anti-viral benediction” :
A large study has come out supporting the benefits and safety of Vit D.
This is the same Vit D, that formed part of the Medical Council complaint against me as a medical practitioner posting on Facebook.
Just a reminder, AHPRA and the Medical Council viewed these posts as worthy of a suspension hearing just as recently as September of 2021:
and this one:
Well there is now even more evidence, this time from the prestigious Journal Nature. A very large study of vit D supplementation of veterans.
220,265 patients supplemented with vitamin D3, 34,710 supplemented with vitamin D2, and 407,860 untreated patients.
Dr John Campbell does a nice talk on the paper, so I’ll leave the discussion with him. I wholeheartedly agree.
Have you had your vit D today?
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I've read that D3+K2 was even better than D alone?. I also saw an interesting video from Dr Bean regarding Covid / RSV and its preferential pathways of TH1 -vs- TH2 producing an asymptomatic or symptomatic reaction; depending on the prominence of Vit D or Vit C. An interesting video.
Great video to watch! 4 minutes with cardiologists Peter McCullough & Aseem Malhotra. “Until Proven Otherwise”— Malhotra is a particularly interesting guy to hear from, considering he shilled for the vaccines on U.K. television - then turned around after his healthy father died, post-jab.