The Convoy to Canberra: How a spontaneous expression of support for Canadians Truckies has sparked into vast movement
How everywhere, humans are waking up to the unnecessary suffering and destruction of the future of our children.
As a doctor, and specialist anaesthesiologist, I’ve spent so many years fighting to save lives, one by one. The ruptured ectopic pregnancy at 4 am, the urgent C section and the flat baby at 6 am…. I, and many others have never stopped.
Driving back from Byron Bay on Sat 29th January with my pro vax 14 yo daughter ( who will/cannot hear anything about covid treatment or the gene jab from me anymore) a wonderful sight appeared! A convoy of Australians with flags (Eureka and the red original version of the Aussie flag among others) and messages like: “freedom fighter”, “stop medical apartheid” “leave our kids alone” and “end the mandates”
Some people were on the overpasses with more flags supporting messages. There were messages of support from Canada, and more right back at them. Like them, we have had enough. It gave me such joy, that here were my people and they were on the move!
I got to see the wonderful birth on Monday 31st as a much smaller group arrived to cheer each arriving car, each arriving truck. No leaders, no politicians, just thousands of everyday Aussies who said “yep it’s time to Convoy to Canberra.”
That’s what happens when people have already lost so much! So many jobs, so many businesses, estranged from so many friends and family that they decide that they just can’t live like this anymore and feel a great need to be among the loving, the caring, and especially, the unafraid, the courageous.
Now, Gerald Celente says: when people lose everything, they lose it! but that was NOT what was happening. People, who have been isolated, shunned, ridiculed (some from quite early in the episode of mass formation psychosis) had found a way to be together. The Canadian truckers had lit one massive flare …for freedom.
A celebration of freedom had broken out.
By day 6, it looked like this:
I was also pleased my anti-viral message looked like it might finally be going viral ! … I started suggesting zinc, and Hydroxychloroquine and other zinc ionophores after watching the same MedCram episode 34 that Dr Vlad Zelenko saw in early march 2020. Told colleagues and organised scripts for friends and family.
Nearly 2 years later, the one thing that is abundantly clear now is that NONE OF THIS IS ABOUT HEALTH. This is something that I called out in one of 10 posts the medical board chose to illustrate a purported breach of the APHRA gag order on practitioners.
I raised concerns from people like Dr Geert Vanden Bossche ( on Bret Weinstein’s Darkhorse podcast) about hazards of vaccinating during a global pandemic with a non-sterilising vaccine ( translation: doesn’t stop infection, doesn’t stop transmission) but will do just enough to help direct the viral evolution and would lead to highly specific antibodies that because of their high affinity would out-compete natural immunity … the same natural immunity that was keeping all the kids, and >99.8% of the rest of us out of harms way. Also, it’s high specificity to a narrow target (spike) was going to allow a highly evolutionary RNA virus to do a Chris Martensen’s Honey Badger escape manoeuvre meme faster than Justin Trudeau escaping oncoming trucker convoys.
Echoing concerns about safety from Steve Kirsch, Dr Robert Malone, Dr Peter McCullough and many other thoughtful and well qualified people, I was beginning to wonder if we still lived in a democracy, and if the principles of informed consent ( including the right to say NO ) still persisted. Surely the medical board ( which espouses these values) would see a robust discussion of risk benefit is necessary to achieve informed consent. But no.
So what is it about, if not health. It’s about control. Total control over you, and not in the sexy way that Martha sings it in the Motel’s song. More like this:
or this:
but back to the Convoy:
The desire to be together is so strong that we are determined to face and overcome every obstacle. The other day we marched to the Governor Generals house. I was hoping for a high tea … but he never showed. Instead a number of Diggers (veterans) together with the original peoples and mums, dads, kids and dogs, doctors and nurses, firemen and teachers came to peacefully but loudly ask that we protect the children, and not just from the jab. Suppressed are 18 high profile names and the community and demanding transparency surrounding child molesters in high places.
There was NO violence, there was a bit of chanting. Some protestors had hoisted the red ensign, the aboriginal flag, the Eureka flag to the cheers of all … except the police who changed one set of flags back, but were thwarted with the second set by many sitting protestors who were holding the line (myself included).
Their retreat was a victory. Soon we would be heading back home, we were leaving as the paddy wagons arrived, among them was a curious unmarked one:
I have no doubt the sonic cannon is some very cool technology, but at the risk of permanent deafness, and god knows what else. I asked if this was the one that made you crap your pants, fall down in convulsions of pain? No threat to any member of the AFP … they couldn’t wait a few minutes? call a negotiator? For god sake there were children everywhere.
Oh well, back home …where the heart is.
Thanks, doc, for updating about the Canberra Convoy. Thank you for exposing the militarised cops. The flag change in front of the Governor's House was EPIC. I watched it online. The medical board must be prosecuted and condemned for persecuting humanitarian doctors who spoke up about Life Saving medication. You are a hero in my eyes. A truly patriotic, humanitarian doctor. One of the rare few.
The rhetoric peddled by the medical establishment, media, government, academia etc. about "protecting" the vulnerable is so depraved and perverted.
I am considered vulnerable due to my numerous debilitating and disabling illnesses, but I have no access to HCQ, IVM or even high dose Vit-D (I'm Vit-D deficient. Few years ago, the pathology lab could not even detect Vit-D levels in my lood. The low dose Vit-D available in local chemists are oil-based and do not agree well with my GORD & Gastroparesis).
Instead of making high dose Vit-D3 in powdered/granular form for the vulnerable and frail people, instead of truly taking care of the elderly in aged care, instead of making safe, effective, life-saving, cheap, off-patent prophylactic and early treatment meds to the vulnerable, the entire establishment remains focussed on culling this cohort of people whilst persecuting any ethical and moral courageous doctor who speaks up. Meanwhile, the cowardly, abusive, killer doctors are doing quite well. What a travesty.
The Solitary Reaper
Jesus wept, now we need sonic cannons to make Aussie citizens vomit and convulse on the ground?!!! Scotty from Marketing, you are a contemptible swine. Nuremberg Trials ll comes for you. It will not be merciful.