"In the name of the holy horse paste, the hydroxy, the vit D, Zinc, Quercetin and the mysterious Melatonin I bless you all".
Ok, so they missed the mysterious Melatonin, but I think the antiviral message may have just gone viral ?
I'm so excited!
I've just seen my antiviral benediction on msn.com courtesy of the “Control Group” project.
and this was what I was so happy to see:
I think it was my first appearance on Cafe Locked Out, I joked that now that I was suspended from medical practice ( in sept 2021 for posting about early treatment)
I wasn’t so much a doctor anymore, more like a priest, lama, rabbi, etc of early treatment and I offered Michael and Damien the benediction.
It goes something like this:
Years of catholic schooling bubbled up in this one:
In the name of the holy horse paste, the hydroxy, the vit D, Zinc, Quercetin and the mysterious Melatonin I bless you all.
Horse paste is, of course, the “street name” of Ivermectin, Hydroxy is short for Hydroxychloroquine
Ok, so they missed the mysterious Melatonin, but I think the antiviral message may have just gone viral ?