Are We Being Hypnotised, And Do We Like it?
Sadly, the answer is yes, and yes ...but it doesn't have to be this way.
I thought this was a brilliant interview:
Prof Mattias Desmet .. Eloquently describes how we got here, why continuing to speak out against bad science and the move towards, in fact, vital to prevent the system becoming "a monster that devours it's own children."
He describes Mass Formation, where people can suffer great harms and yet be oblivious (as it is a type of hypnosis.) We should not loose touch with our compassion for the many who are suffering.
He says that we need to realise that a technocratic transhuman "new normal" is not the ONLY choice, that we can choose a "new new normal" one of genuine meaning.
One that has real, resonant connections between people and the natural world. But yes, that means getting out in the natural world, which is looking more and more important. These devices (smart phones, tablets etc) are practically embeded within our children already …. no surgery required. Note what happens when you take them away, however, if you give it long enough… they will go outside, or read a book, or play a board game.
I think Aldous Huxley’s “Soma” from Brave new world is none other than these new games, and as the games become more and more realistic there is a danger that we will move our lives to this “faux reality” and within a generation or so we will be a million miles from the street cricket of my youth.
Hi Paul
There is a physiological component that begets compliance and conformity.
How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking? Is my article.
Low salt or dehydration is an emergency. All emergencies are managed by the adrenals. Chronic dehydration leads to chronic adrenal management.
The adrenals bring on the FIGHT/FLIGHT/FREEZE response. Here there is no reasoning, no compassion, no perspective.
It’s here people are easily pushed with stress into a compliant position.
Chronic dehydration leads to adrenal exhaustion and stress intolerance.
They can’t handle the physiological stress of standing against the tide.
Hydration not oxygenation underpins our physiology. I’ve logically dismissed the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide as a fraud. We are not machines using gases of combustion and exhaust.
Hydration equals salt plus water. Water follows salt into and out of the body. Every part of our physiology requires moisture. Salt leads moisture.
Dryness is our Achilles heel.
I have three articles for you to read and ponder and research. Cognitive dissonance is overcome with curiosity.
Click on my blue icon to read.